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After School Clubs & Activities

We endeavour to provide pupils with a range of opportunities at the end of the school day through our after school/extra-curricular clubs and activities.

There are some differences in clubs being run each term.  At the start of each term, we ask parents to register their pupils using the link below:


Please note that this booking form will only be open for the first two weeks of each term once the clubs for the term have been confirmed. 

Autumn Term 2023/24 Clubs


Expressive Arts Club with Miss Cole (for Kingfisher and Swan Classes)

Expressive Arts Club with Mrs Roach (for Barn Owl and Robin Classes)


Welsh Club with Mr Davies (for Kingfisher and Swan Classes)

Story Club with Mr Welch (for Barn Owl and Robin Classes)


Board Games Club with Mrs James and Mrs John (for all pupils)


Netball Club with Mrs Davies and Mrs Goodwin (for Kingfisher and Swan Classes)

Health and Wellbeing Club with Mrs Bowers (for Barn Owl and Robin Classes)

Paid for After School Care:

There are no after school clubs on a Friday, however, on Mondays and Fridays, we do offer after school care for pupils.  The fee for this provision is £2.50 per pupil until 4pm and £7.50 after this point.  This provision ends at 5pm on a Monday and 4.30pm on a Friday.