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The following pages are designed to provide parents and families with up-to-date information about the school.  If you have questions which cannot be answered by the content found within these pages, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are keen to hear the views of the parents and families of pupils at the school and regularly seek their opinions on how the school is performing.

During our last survey of parental views and opinions, 100% of respondents agreed that their children were safe in school and would recommend the school to other parents and carers.  The full breakdown of the data gathered during this questionnaire can be found in the following newsletter:

My child is extremely happy at Sageston School. All children are given the opportunity to learn and develop across a wide variety of subjects whatever their level. The subjects delivered are current, interesting for the children and are taught in a variety of ways. Contact with parents has improved greatly with the new parents meeting and the weekly newsletter. It's great how parents can get so involved and help out through FOSS/parents group, etc. Great after school clubs and the breakfast club is so helpful for working parents.

Feedback from a parent - Parental Questionnaire, October 2022