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Robin Class

Teachers - Miss Thomas

Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Mrs James

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Collings, Miss Lloyd, Miss Barnes and Mrs Alldritt

Class Updates

All updates and information will be provided by Seesaw.  Please ensure that you are connected to our class if you have not done so already.  We will be sharing information such as trips and visits, as well as showing off what we get up to in Robin Class!

Health and Wellbeing Sessions

Health and Wellbeing sessions are on a Friday afternoon.  Please ensure that the children have appropriate kit in school on these days, in particular a warm kit for games outside during the winter months.  The children will be reminded of the school health and safety policy of no jewellery being worn during these lessons.  If your child is unable to take out their earrings, please provide plasters in their PE bag.


Reading books should be brought into school each day for the children to use as part of their guided reading session.

It is really important that children are also reading at home and it would be beneficial if they were reading for 10 minutes each day.  It really does make a difference!  Please make a note of what they have read in their yellow reading record.

Show and Tell

To promote oracy in class we are having a show and tell session every Monday morning. If your child would like to bring something in from home to show, please put the item with their name on in their bag so that your child can put it into the Show and Tell box.

Welly Wednesday

Every Wednesday please ensure that your child brings a pair of wellies into school. This is so we can go outside and learn about our environment and undertake all outdoor activities without the worry of getting our school shoes dirty.

In Robin Class, I enjoy adding up numbers and I like sounding out and reading letters.  At playtime, I play football with my friends - I enjoy it! 

A pupil from Robin Class, March 2023